National Revenue Authority has modified financial receipt to make it harder for traffic police to steal money.
Eye radio reports.
Erjok Bullen, Acting Commissioner-General of NRA, said on Monday that the new form will reduce corruption in revenue collection system.
‘The form is designed based on the requirement of the revenue authority, we have a logo of the traffic police on the far left on the receipt, in the middle is the logo of the NRA and then that of the police,” said Erjok.
The document maintained as form 15 has 50 copies authenticated by National Revenue Authority and Traffic Police Department. According to the NRA, traffic police officers on duty will be wearing badge numbers to distinguish them from others.
“We also designed a tag number to be given to officers on duty from their headquarters to avoid officers putting on a uniform just to come and extort money,” Bullen added.
Major General, Kon John Akot, Director General of South Sudan Traffic police has welcomed the move.
“Report any issues regarding extortion by a traffic officer using the number on the tag not using his or her name. Call us and we will come to your rescue,” he told the public.
He urged the public to identify the officers with tag numbers and report corruption incident. Large number of police officers are always seen in all the roundabouts or road junctions in Juba. Some motorists have complained about extortion by the traffic police.